5 Household Gadgets to Get You through January


5 Household Gadgets to Get You through January

Oh, January - Infamously the bluest month of them all. Can we really muster up the strength to deep clean our homes after the Christmas madness? In truth, we all need a little help sometimes. Luckily for you (or your cleaner), I’ve compiled a list of our Top 5 Gadgets to help spring clean your way through the rest of the January blues. In no particular order…


  1. Limey – The Tap Descaling Gadget


If the end of your tap is looking worse for wear, chances are the tap has calcified over due to lime scale. The water in London is incredibly hard and can build up over time. This can lead to varying water temperatures depending on how much water is able to penetrate through the lime scale. For easy descaling, check out this rubber soaker: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Limey-Descaling-Gadget-Scale- spons&keywords=cleaning+gadgets&psc=1


  1. Multiple Blind Duster


Blind dusting has to be the most tedious task… one done, 30 more to go. Wouldn’t life be easier if you could dust multiple blind slats at once? Well, now you can! Check out this 4 slat blind cleaner – easy to use & detachable fabric that can be washed to use again and again. You’re welcome: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07FNS6XWH/ref=sspa_dk_detail_6?psc=1


  1. TubShroom – Drain Protector


Hair: one of the largest causes of drain blockage. Every day showering & personal maintenance can cause blockages now or further down your tenancy. You can also purchase ones suitable for your sink, to save your drains from food left overs. Do yourself a favour, buy a `Shroom! https://www.amazon.co.uk/TubShroom-Revolutionary-Protector-Catcher-Strainer/dp/B01BYRMGCC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1548092900&sr=8-2&keywords=tub+mushroom OR for your sink - https://www.amazon.co.uk/SinkShroom-Revolutionary-Bathroom-Protector-Strainer/dp/B076QDB6QZ/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1548093622&sr=8-8&keywords=tub+mushroom


  1. Silicone Food Scraper


If you have a dishwasher in your property, you will know how gross it is when food gets stuck on clean dishes & cutlery. It is recommended that you scrape all food from your plate and rinsing before placing it in the dishwasher, but this can be easier said than done. Low & behold, the silicone food scraper! Guaranteed to get rid of any oils or left over foods on your plate. Here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/123572331776?chn=ps



  1. Spin Scrubber


The days of getting achy, bleach covered arms & hands are over. This spin scrubber does all of the hard work for you when cleaning those tricky places such as shower tiles, behind toilets and even around the kitchen. Cordless, rechargeable and extending over 4m. What’s not to love? Simply load it up with some product and let it get to work. You’ll thank yourself for it. Check it out here - https://www.jmldirect.com/cleaning/mops/hurricane-spin-scrubber/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjrOm65yJ4AIVB7DtCh0t1Ae1EAkYAyABEgLiE_D_BwE